Anna Marie School of Dance Policies
When Can I Start? You can start at any time in a season! We run tuition on a month-to-month basis, however if a class is full during a season a waitlist will be formed for that specific time.
Payment Due Dates: You are responsible for paying your monthly tuition bill the first class of each month. All costume purchases are required to be paid in full the last day before Thanksgiving Break. Late fees are automatically added to your account if a deadline is missed.
Drop Notification: Withdrawal requests must be received by the 25th of the month for the following month. (Example: Withdraw request received October 25th to be removed from classes in November.) You will receive a confirmation email once the drop has been processed. If you do not hear from us, please check to make sure we received your notification. If you do not follow these drop procedures you will be held responsible for all outstanding invoices. Until we receive your drop request we will be holding that spot for your student.
Cancelled Classes
There may be times that we need to cancel classes, but we will only do so if we have no other options. Possible reasons to cancel may be for instructor unavailability, inclement weather, or facility problems. When we cancel classes our primary means of communication will be via email and our FaceBook Page. It is important that your contact information is correct in your Parent Portal Account, as that is the source we use for contacting you. We will schedule a makeup class for any cancelled classes. We do not give credits or refunds if individual students are going to be absent from class. We are still holding that spot for your child in the class. If you are planning an extended absence, it is your choice if you’d like to drop the class and try to re-enroll at a later point. We will not save spaces once you have dropped.What to Wear or Bring
All dancers are required to wear a leotard, tights and hair pulled back to each class. Shorts and tight fitting tanks are permitted on top. Dancers must bring the required shoes for each class. Gymnasts and cheerleaders are required tight fitting clothing - leggings, bike shorts, leotards, sports crop top, tank tops permitted. Bare feet only in gymnastics classes.Can I Stay or Should I Go?
Tumble Tots is a parent participation class which requires 1 adult to be on the floor with the enrolled child. For all other classes, you are welcome to leave or stay and watch from the lobby. If you chose to stay, please do not disturb the class from the viewing area. Please do not have students arrive more than 10 minutes before their class. They should be picked up or leave directly afterwards.Communicating with Instructors
Often our instructors are scheduled for a set of back-to-back classes. This might mean that there isn’t a time to talk to the instructor before or after class. Please be respectful of the instructor’s time and realize that they may not have time to talk without disrupting another class. If you need to discuss anything with the instructor our office can facilitate. Email is the best way to set up communication annamarieschoolofdance@gmail.com.Additional Questions
If you have additional questions please call us at 570-454-6226 or email us at annamarieschoolofdance@gmail.com. If we are teaching and unable to answer the phone, please leave your phone number and we will return your call as soon as possible.COVID-19
ALL Students are required to turn in the COVID-19 Waiver. If you are having symptoms, if your child is sick .. please stay home.
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Anna Marie McGowan, Charisa McGowan Reggie, Lacie McGowan Rinkus